What does Myofunctional Therapy Offer Braces and Orthodontic Appliance Treatment?https://www.taslconsultants.com/post/what-does-oral-myofunctional-therapy-offer-braces-and-orthodontic-appliance-treatment https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4bd56c_718be077bb05477f8966ecf6ec0b2ba4~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_1000,h_525,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/4bd56c_718be077bb05477f8966ecf6ec0b2ba4~mv2.png
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What does Myofunctional Therapy Offer Braces and Orthodontic Appliance Treatment?

Updated: Jan 12, 2022

Every malocclusion has a myofunctional cause. Braces and orthodontic treatment (Invisalign, palatal expanders, etc) is not just about your teeth, it’s about your overall health. Improper muscle function and teeth that are out of alignment can alter your appearance and contribute to jaw problems, breathing disorders, TMJ, and chronic health issues.

Muscle is an important part of the soft tissue matrix. It changes the morphology of the bone which is plastic in nature. The growth and maintenance of the skeletal unit or bone are dependent on the muscles. When there is a struggle between the muscle and bone, the bone yields.

The function of the facial muscles is to:

  1. Express Emotion

  2. Maintain the posture of facial structure

  3. Swallow and Speech Patterns

  4. Maintain the integrity of the dental arch.

  5. Respiration

  6. Postural Maintenance

Malocclusion such as overbite, underbite, crossbite, overjet, and open bite, is nature's attempt to establish a balance between all the muscle functions of the skeletal system, specifically the head, tongue, jaw, and neck. Muscle function changes as a compensatory mechanism. Orofacial muscles can be valuable aids to orthodontic treatment and in selected patients may be used as living orthopedic appliances. It is not anticipated that Myofunctional Therapy alone can perform major orthodontic changes; however, when muscle forces contribute to or create abnormal dentofacial relationships, correction of these forces by a well-planned exercise and re-education program is a valuable adjunct to orthodontic treatment.

To learn more about Braces and Myofunctional Therapy Program or to book your initial evaluation, schedule a free 15-minute online appointment.

Benefits of Myofunctional therapy with Orthodontic Treatment

Myofunctional Therapy provides a balance between muscle function and forces and the structural changes with orthodontic treatments. The teeth once they emerge from their bony crypts are at the complete mercy of the muscle environment. This indicates that a well-planned exercise program not only can create changes in muscle function but can also influence bony and dental relationships and morphology.

Myofunctional Therapy as an adjunct with Orthodontic Treatment produces:

  1. Rapid success in treating a malocclusion

  2. Reduces Risk of Orthodontic Relapse

  3. Correction of Toxic Oral Habits

  4. Corrected Swallowing and Speech Patterns

  5. Improved Nasal Breathing and Sleep

As in all therapeutic programs, the skill of the Myofunctional Therapist in analyzing abnormal muscle function and the ability to guide the patient in detailed muscle re-education is essential. At TASL Speech Therapy Consultants, our expert-level therapist will provide you with your customized roadmap and accountability program.

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